AP Calc AB over summer?

<p>I wanted to do IB Math HL but I found out that I have to be in AP Calc AB right now to do it (I'm a junior).</p>

<p>I might've been able to do it but I just came from overseas 2 years ago and had to do double math freshman year, which is why I am in pre-calc now. (My counselor refused to let me do double math again last year.)</p>

<p>Is it possible to do AP Calc AB over next summer so I can HL?</p>

<p>This is really a school question that I don’t think anyone here is qualified to answer. I’d ask your counselor again, and if he/she still says no, maybe go to the AP Calc AB teacher and see what he/she says?</p>

<p>Sorry I couldn’t be more help, but this is really a school policy question.</p>