Hey everyone!
I noticed that there isn’t a thread up for the AP Calc AB exam tomorrow (which is very strange since this is a major exam), so I thought I’d make one. How are you guys preparing and what do you think will be on the exam? Feel free to post anything! Thanks and good luck! 
So, no one’s here about to cram for the exam except me? 
hi, limits, solids with disk and washers, implicit differentiation, FTOC, U-sub, integral rules, differentiation rules. thats all i can think of…
Sometimes these types of problems on FRQ trip me up, a lot of times they ask for the ‘average value’ and I don’t know whether to use MVT or find the average integral. When I look at the solutions, CB has repeatedly used either one when asked to do this… is there another distinction that differentiates them?
@Kylemcgrogan Just thought of particle motion and related rates. Probably big parts of the exam 
@britt43 I believe they are the same thing. I’m not positive though.
@Kylemcgrogan @britt43 How are you preparing for the exam? I think I’ll personally watch some YouTube videos and do some practice test, but that would be time-consuming =/
Working on FRQ atm and then I think I’ll finish off with some vids before bed
looking through FRQs and studying my barrons book 
pretty worried about the FRQ.
Well we took 3 full practice exams in class and i aced 2 of them and missed 1 on the third, so I’m not doing anything. Id say for the rectilinear motion, just know the successive integral and derivatives of each quantity and how speed is the absolute value of velocity etc.
Good luck to everyone taking the exam tomorrow!
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Good luck to those writing the exam today! 
That was actually impossible.
I think I got a perfect score on the 2nd part of the multiple choice, but I did terrible on the first part & some of the frqs. I sure I was going to get a 5 on the test… Now I’m not so sure I’ll get a 3.
What actually was that exam
Ohhhhh man…my brain hurts.
@ britt43, If I understand your question correct,
Average Rate => MVT
Average Value => integrate and divide by domain