<p>Ok, so first of all, I know what some of you are going to say..." There's about a million threads on this..." Wathever.
Second, I know the difference between AB and BC (BC has a few more topics at the end).</p>
<p>I am (a sophomore) good at math (99 in HH-Algebra II/Trig, 99 in HH-Geometry/ Analytical Geometry), and I totally hate it when math classes go slow (example: still in chapter 3 by second semester).
The usual thing in my school is AP Calc AB before BC, and actually, it is a prerequisite to take AB before BC.
Now the question:
Should I beg my counselor to let me in BC or should I just go with the flow?</p>
<p>BTW: I really like math and science, and would like to pursue a career in one of them.
And, do you have any personal comments about any of these classes that you would like to tell?</p>
<p>Why not got for AB then do BC a year later. It’ll give you a GPA boost (if you get As). At my school you can take AP Calc AB and BC at the same time. My friend has AP Calc AB then AP Calc BC the next day.</p>
<p>“This is a derivative.”
<em>finish first semester.</em>
“This is an integral.”
<em>finish second semester.</em>
“Let’s review for the exam. This is a derivative…”</p>
<p>But actually, there’s a lot of things you need to memorize. Derivative properties that should be ingrained in your brain and all that.</p>
<p>So it’s more like, “The derivative of sec(x) is sec(x)tan(x).” And so on.</p>
<p>im a sophomore taking AP Statistics. AP Calc BC is just AP Calc AB with more additional topics. I think u should go to AP Calc BC (it’s an easy class!)</p>