<p>Hi everyone!</p>
<p>I got my results today...5 in everything except a 4 in chem. I wanted to ask how important are AP's towards getting into an Ivy league. Plus, I want to be a doctor so I couldn't have skipped chem in college even if I got a 5 right?</p>
<p>I think I was close to a 5 though. If only I had answered that frq about environmentally safe practices or whatever...I thought I could go back to it later but I ran out of time. Makes me wonder if I could have gotten a 5 if I answered it....</p>
<p>CONSOLE ME :P</p>
<p>Shake it off and get 'em next time. It doesn’t really matter at this point. All that matters is that you have a good understanding of Chemistry going into college which will help you ace your first year Gen Chem classes (if you don’t place out that is).</p>
<p>As far as Ivy Leagues go, they look for balanced apps. One 4 is not going to kill you if your other grades and scores are high and you have a lot of focused ECs.</p>
<p>A four is not the end of the world. Again, four= well qualified. </p>
<p>If it is to be, it is up to me…</p>
<p>I’m the same way. Got a 4 and am so disappointed, mostly because I heard the curve for Chem is massive.</p>
<p>You guys should retake it with me next year! I also got a 4 on chem.
Ruined my streak of 5’s.</p>
<p>Same here. It was hard seeing the majority of my friends (and CC) post up their 5s, but I’ve moved on.</p>
<p>I’m not going to retake it, either. One 4 won’t hurt my pride too much, but I would rather retake General Chem in college for a fairly easy A.</p>