<p>Is it necessary to memorize the formula that describes the relationship between the change in energy level of an electron and the electromagnetic radiation absorobed or emitted?</p>
<p>Yes, the E=hv equation was tested on last year’s AP Chemistry Exam. The de Broglie equation only appears periodically, but is still very useful to commit to memory.</p>
<li><p>What book did u use to prep? Im using PR right now but the problems is that half the questions in the m/c quizzes at the end of each chapter are not actually in the preceding review portion. Should I get another book (i.e. Barrons?)</p></li>
<li><p>Did that question appear on the FR section?</p></li>
<li><p>Should I also memorize Coulomb’s Law?</p></li>
<p>I did not use a preparation book for the course of the Subject Test. I took the course and found the class to be sufficient. I did, however, browse the SparkNotes tutorials before I took the SAT II in Chemistry.</p>
<p>Yes, I remember using the equation on question 3c of last year’s exam.</p>
<p>I do not believe that Coulomb’s Law is tested with any regularity on the AP Chemistry Exam (although I remember it as part of the curriculum), but it is certainly necessary for AP Physics.</p>
<p>The equations can be consulted on the Free Response portion of the test, but not the multiple choice.</p>