<p>Hi, I will be a junior next year and I was wondering if I should either take AP Chem or AP Stats next year. My Course Schedule Next Year is:</p>
PAP Physics
PAP Pre-Cal
AP Spanish IV</p>
<p>And either AP Statistics or AP Chem</p>
<p>Now I plan on either majoring in business or engineering when I get older (maybe even a double major) and I was unsure of which subject to take. </p>
<p>I have so far not taken any AP Sciences and I was wondering if colleges will look at that wierdly (even if I am mainly focusing on business). It's just that this year I did horrible in chemistry and it definitely dropped my GPA a little. I'm concerned that AP Chem would further drop my grade. I also am not sure if I have time for the 2 hour lab every week (and I heard the lab write up takes a few hours as well... :/)But then again, I have no idea how stats is like so I was wondering if anybody could possibly explain to me if AP stats is hard or not?</p>
<p>In Addition I also have several leadership roles and I was just wondering if AP Stats or AP Chem would better complement my activities:</p>
<p>Drum Major in Band
President of BPA
President of Spanish National Honor Society
Interact Treasurer
Potentially Student Body Treasurer (Unsure as reelections are not until next year but I was it this year so I'm basically running again)</p>
<p>Which class do you think I would do better in given the amount of activities I am in?</p>
<p>I would take AP Stats, I have heard it’s easier.</p>
<p>Thank you, but do colleges like to see an AP Science, or is not having one by Junior year (since I will take AP Bio or Physics Senior year, but I send in my junior transcript) acceptable and I can take AP stats?</p>
<p>Basically, does AP Science or AP Stats look better on a college transcript? One of my friends says that colleges like having a student that took an AP Science on their transcript… :(</p>
<p>AP Chem will not only look better, but you’ll learn a lot more. Don’t be scared, just study!</p>
<p>Stat was the biggest blow-off ever. Easyyyyyyy AP test & class. It’s basically common sense and using formulas. I doubt it holds much weight with schools though, it’s such a ughhh class.</p>
<p>Take chem, you’ll be better off. Judging by your schedule and activities, looks like you will be able to handle it. It’ll look good for engineering AND business :D</p>
<p>Oh ya, I’m looking far ahead but remember to take AP physics C along w/ calc senior year! And to your “but I send in my junior transcript”, the colleges also see the senior classes you are currently enrolled in on your junior transcript, and the course schedule on your application (for most college apps).</p>
<p>also depends on the major, but since you’re between engineering and business, i’d say in the long run taking AP chem would be more beneficial. Plus, difficulty is relative, you might be amazing at Chem. It would be a shame for you to pass up the opportunity just because it’s harder.</p>
<p>To user3725:</p>
<p>Thank you very much for your information. I just worry because during marching season, I have practice 4 days a week, 2-3 hours each day and on Fridays I don’t get home until midnight due to football games. (We get one day off and that is for AP labs!) Therefore, I am just nervous because my friend said that one lab write up takes several hours and I don’t want to overstress myself.</p>
<p>In addition, if I take AP Chem, my GPA would suffer a bit since it is a hard class. In addition, AP lab days are also the same days as Student Council so I don’t know if I should take Ap Chem. Yet part of me wants to take it but I’m just scared I’ll do bad in it since I study for every PAP Chem test this year and I still do poorly :(</p>
<p>deprive yourself of a social life, best advice :|</p>
<p>jk, but I guess you will have to work it out!</p>
<p>AP Stats is definitely easier, although I would take AP Chem over it.</p>
<p>Ugh such a hard decision… :(</p>
<p>I remember that you said you did horrible in chemistry. You are going to need some chemistry if you want to be an engineer and if your not good, then you may want another career option. Also, what’s your term of horrible? I would consider horrible a D and C would just be bad. A B would be good, but not great. If you got a B though, I prob. would not take AP Chemistry. I got a B in Honors Bio and would never take the AP level senior year. I have the option of taking Honors Physics or the AP level junior year. I am prob. going to choose Honors, because I’m not a science person. It would look better on the resume, but I wouldn’t do good. </p>
<p>The AP Chemistry will look better, but you will do better in Stats. If you do bad (C or D) in AP Chemistry, then it will show the college’s that you are not good in chemistry at all. And that your not going to do good at engineering, no offense. I would take Stats and it’s better since you have band after school.</p>
<p>Why didn’t you enjoy/do well in Chem this year? Was it the subject matter or the teacher? If the former, don’t take AP Chem. If the latter, do you know if you’re going to have the same teacher for AP Chem?</p>
<p>To early_college:</p>
<p>I’m asian, I consider a low A bad >.< (sorry if I appeared misleading- it’s just that the competition in our school is pretty fierce and the top 5 are all close to each other; in addition our school does “in between” GPA on a 6.0 scale meaning that a 95 is a 5.5, 98 is a 5.8 so every little grade point counts!) I had a 99 last semester and this semester after stoichiometry, I went kabloosh to a 94.</p>
<p>Since band is a 4.0 regular elective, yeah it’s dropping my GPA already and a 94 in chem does not help since all my other classes I have high A’s, but I am already at a 2.0 disadvantage due to Band (but I love music and the experience of it too much to quit it). I’m just scared that with marching band 8 hours a week and all day competitions on saturdays, my duties as officers to my clubs, and Debate and Academic competitions, I will just go kabloop
which I don’t want to happen.</p>
<p>For me, Chemistry seems to be the only class I do not “get” and I’m worried that AP Chem would just make me more clueless…</p>
<p>To teenage_cliche:</p>
<p>I am not sure but I think it might be both. The other PAP chemistry teacher is really good (she’s also the AP Chem teacher) and all her students seem to understand the lessons; my chemistry teacher is split- half his kids like his teaching, half don’t- I am in between. It’s just that he shows us the equations for stuff but doesn’t really explain the process behind the equations or why that equation works which bothers me because then I am unable to make connections to what I am learning: plus his tests are ridiculously hard and much harder than the other Chem teacher’s (even though I think she teaches better)</p>
<p>A 94 is not bad at all and when I think of a low A, I think 90-92ish. If I get a 94 in Chemistry I’d be happy for sure,
<p>This is what I suggest. I would find time to drop something after school. I would take AP Stats, since you think you do better. I would then go to your local community college and take Chemistry. This will look very good to college’s. If you have time I would take Chemistry this summer, so you don’t have to drop something else. You can also always do band somewhere local and doesn’t have to be in school. My idea’s!</p>
<p>Unfortunately, I don’t think I can go take Chemistry at a community college since I know will have too many conflicts after school and it will probably interfere with normal school classes and other activities. I am going to do research in the summer so I have no time to take any summer classes, and I’m the highest student officer position for the largest organization in the school (band) so I don’t think I want to quit :()</p>
<p>Hmmm… how hard is it to self study AP Stats?</p>
<p>How about an online class? Would that be easier? I’m sure you there are classes for AP Stats?</p>
<p>No… I think I’m just going to take AP Chem and see what happens :/</p>
<p>Good idea and I’m afraid that seems like your best choice, :)</p>