<p>I'm planning on taking a schedule almost entirely full of AP classes in junior and senior year. Here's what I'm looking at:</p>
<p>Junior: AP English Language, APUSH, AP Bio, AP Stat, AP Human World Geo, AP Psych, Spanish IV HONORS</p>
<p>Senior: AP English Lit, AP Gov/AP Econ, AP Physics, AP Calc AB, AP Spanish Language, AP Chem, Lifetime Wellness/Personal Finance</p>
<p>As you've noticed, I'm pushed back the generally more "difficult" AP classes to senior year. This is because I plan on applying early to some colleges, and I want my G.P.A. to be the highest it can be (just in case, I mess up ;) ) Also, I won't have as much pressure to make good scores on my AP exams.</p>
<p>Please help me decide: balance APs or push back?</p>