I am going to be taking AP Literature next year and took APUSH this past year. Should I also take AP Computer Science Principals? I am heavily considering it. I generally have an average of 85 and suck at math. Thoughts?
AP CS principles is generally considered to be not that hard, and can be useful for non-prospective-CS majors to understand the basics of CS and how it relates to other things.
Check out the beginning units on Khan Academy for AP CS Principles. It’ll give you a good idea of both the content and the level of the material covered. It’s not a math heavy course (Collegeboard recommends only Algebra I as a prerequisite), but it does require analytical skills or “computational thinking.”
In my school, AP CS Principles is considered the 2nd easiest class you can take. As long as you have basic algebra skills, I think you should take it if you want to.
Are you taking a Math, English, Science, Social Studies and Foriegn Language? Would this be instead of any of them? If not, and if you are interested in CS (it is a good thing to know about), and if you have room, then why not? Don’t take it just because it is an AP course. Don’t take it instead of math.