<p>How many APs are you guys taking? I've been looking through the forums and I've seen some people with chance posts that have 5 or 6 just in their underclassman years. In my school, we can't even take APs until junior year, and although my 3 APs (stat, US history, literature) aren't grueling, adding a fourth would mean dropping a sport or some other EC that I know colleges look for.</p>
<p>I can’t take them until my junior year either. And I know what you mean, I had to drop others if I added a fifth (I didn’t take a lunch in order to take 4). This year I took 6 and took gym and lunch as other two classes. Kinda gay considering we only offer 10 APs. I’m self studying the 2 AP physics C’s though and Psych. So 13 overall.</p>
<p>My school offers no ‘easy’ APs =[. No economics, no environmental, no human geo, no psych, no physics (i consider this harder but because ours doesnt offer it), no other language other than spanish, no histories other than US, no anything just your general: Calc 1, calc 2, computers, stats, chem, bio, english lit, lang, US history, and spanish…</p>
<p>You can drop your lunch to take a class? Wow I’m planning to take a total of 7 in high school and thats twice as much as the next smartest person in my school. How much homework do you do per night?</p>
<p>A lot… Way too much… Because of Spanish. If I showed you the Spanish homework curriculum she gave us you would cry for me. I honestly don’t know why I don’t drop the class, but it’s just…so…ridiculous…</p>
<p>My english we get 5 essays a week but I am a really good essay writer and I type 110 words per minute and think pretty quickly to just type 3 pages in an hour. The Calc/Chem/stats is just your standard problems every day, maybe an hour between the 3, probably slightly more.</p>
<p>The computers I don’t really ever have homework.</p>
<p>Spanish… oh gosh… Oooooh my gosh.</p>
<p>I usually have after school til 6ish give or take… Then I go to my girlfriends til 10… then I go home and start homework and finish around one to two sometimes later… I wake up at 6:30 and it starts again =P</p>
<p>I suppose I could get more sleep not going to my girlfriends, of course, but a guy needs a social life to keep his head straight…</p>
<p>Yeah I wanted to take AP spanish. I’ve already taken four years and I’m fluent but my spanish teacher said that class was suicide. Im at either tennis or soccer until 6 so I end up doing homework until 11.
I have a girlfriend, but I don’t spend four hours at her house. What do you do for four hours? And don’t say sex</p>
<p>The class really is suicide. And EVERYONE says so. We started with a class of 19. Now we have 4. A girl with an F, a girl with a C, my brother and I with Bs. No As. IDK how she does that it’s just evil I swear.</p>
<p>If I dropped that class I would get home at 10 and be done with homework at twelve and go to sleep happy and well-rested. Not to mention Sundays I wouldn’t be up til 4 in the morning because I was too busy watching football.</p>
<p>And lots of different things haha. Just chill and relax. It really is the only way I make it through all the classes. We might just relax and watch TV, I might start some homework at her house if there’s a lot, I sometimes sleep since my dad refuses to let me sleep, or a thousand other things lol. It sucks being at my house anyway… I get home and go downstairs, open a book and literally 4 seconds later he tells my 2 and 4 year old sisters to go downstairs and play with me. They go to bed at 11 or 12 (they’re 2 and 4… ***?). I’m practically they’re dad, no kidding.</p>
<p>I didn’t think it would actually sensor what the bleep’s acronym =p</p>
<p>And if you wonder what I’m doing up at 5:40 AM EST… Spanish homework. Over winterbreak. For the last week.</p>
<p>the AP spanish class in my school started out with about 10 people of Latino decent who all spoke Spanish fluently. After a month, the class disappeared.
Oh yeah usually theres not many responses around this time. In Japan its 8 but in the US everyones sleeping haha</p>
<p>My school offers ALOT of AP classes (since we don’t have IB). Pretty much every AP class is available except one of the Physics, the more uncommon languages such as German (although they used to have this as an AP before they sacked the teacher), Chinese, Japanese, Latin, Italian, and the computer sciences. So it would look pretty bad if I didn’t take AP classes coming from a school that has an ample offering.</p>
<p>By the end of my senior year I will have taken 9 AP classes (8 if you consider Microeconomics and Macroeconomics to be 1 class, but in reality it is 2).</p>
<p>And Environmental Sci. is such a joke! And you know what’s funny? APUSH has the least overall pass rate of all the AP exams. Pitiful…</p>
<p>personally, I think APUSH is the hardest class I’m going to take in high school. Math is never a problem for me and neither is science but history bores me. I can’t seem to focus well on anything in that class and because of that I have to work so much longer to get an A. I usually take about 3 hours to read and take notes on a 35 page chapter in the book.</p>
<p>Wow really? We are opposites because I am dying in BC Calculus (it doesn’t help that my teacher has the most MONOTONE voice I have ever heard in my life). I have to study for hours to get an A. I am more of a English/Social Studies person, so APUSH was one of the best courses I have taken. I even found a website for my teacher; a quiz called “What Founding Father are You?” I love history. ^______^</p>
<p>yea my school only offers 12 - just the bare basics.</p>
<p>My school offers one AP, AP Literature and Composition, and it’s restricted to Seniors.</p>
<p>Yeah, it’s great applying to schools with these opportunities :/</p>
<p>I think I will have taken around 11 APs by the end of high school. My current school only offers English Lang, English Lit, Calc, World, APUSH, Bio, and, randomly, Psych, but I take matters into my own hands.</p>
<p>I’ve always wondered, if you drop a class, does it show up on your transcript that you dropped it?</p>
<p>it depends how long you waited until you drop.
if you drop within the first week of school, then it probably won’t show up on your transcript, however if you wait too long, it will.</p>
<p>at least that’s how it is at my school.</p>
<p>rachael525, take matters into your own hands? If your school doesn’t offer the class then how will you take it?</p>
<p>If your school district or state offers online classes, consider taking an AP class online. Granted, it may be ALOT different sitting in front of the computer learning college-level Physics than in a class-room (which is a more hands-on experience) but a class like APUSH, APEH, or WHAP are things that you can teach yourself.</p>
<p>My school offers AP Art History, Music Theory, French, Latin, Italian, Spanish, Chemistry, Biology, Calculus AB, Calculus BC, US History, and English Literature and Composition. The only problem is that it is a Catholic school, so I have to take a theology course every semester, preventing me from taking as many AP classes as I would like.</p>
<p>AP Classes are a joke.
I go to a school with a classical curriculum (nonstandard), and we have so much more intense work than public schools.</p>
<p>I looked at one of my friends APUSH final exam review sheets once and laughed. Hard.</p>
<p>Our FRESHMAN Ancient History final was to write three 5-paragraph essays in two hours. The prompt for the first one was “In light of your knowledge of relevant political and social forces, analyze the rise and fall of the Roman Empire.” Remember, I was like 14 at the time. My essay for that one was like 7 pages single-spaced. One down, two to go.</p>
<p>(and if you think I’m wrong, that I wouldn’t be able to pass an AP test, another example): I walked into the AP Lit test last year without a single minute of test prep. Hadn’t looked at a single sample question. 5.</p>
<p>I digress. The point is that I get really cheesed off when I think about the fact that the # of AP classes/tests can be important for admission to Ivies, etc.</p>
<p>My school’s classes are so much harder than AP, and I get subconsciously penalized in an adcom’s mind?</p>