AP comp sci A HELP !!!

<p>well, 1 and a half more months till the test and i barely know a thing. i did a barrons practice book and i got like 30 percent of the questions correct. i dont learn much in class. whats the best way to prepare for this exam?? i need a 4 or a 5 on this. what books do u recommend? and how do i just generally get better.???!!HELP ME MAN!!</p>

<p>Well, programming is best learned by… programming. </p>

<p>Take your textbook, read it, do the projects after the chapter, review. I used Be Prepared for the AP Computer Science Exam in Java book.</p>

<p>Most of the questions are about problem solving. You have to understand how java works to do well.</p>

<p>wel with a month and a half to go. do i have enough time to do well?</p>

<p>I find [Project</a> Euler](<a href=“http://projecteuler.net/]Project”>http://projecteuler.net/) useful in helping me solidify CS A knowledge, especially if you are a math/sci person.</p>

<p>^ Ooh, nice find.</p>

<p>It depends on how much time you can devote to CS in that time frame. Learning java is like learning math, you do and redo until it becomes second nature.</p>

<p>i have 1 month and i can devote 2-3 hours per day. if i can get a 5. im willing to put that much time into it. if i would say what i would get now i would say like a 1 or a 2. so i need help. i need a 5. I NEED TO GOOD!!TELL ME!!</p>


<p>Ok i took AP comp SCi last year and will tell you this. If as you say you haven’t been understanding it as you say then it will take a lot of dedication. i mean alot. What text book are you using buy the way?</p>

<p>im using the litvin book. its the older copy too. not sure if you kno it</p>