<p>So at my school, Programming 1 is a prerequisite for AP Comp Sci. I never took Programming and I've never programmed before but I am in the AP Comp Sci class. Everyone else in the class already took programming 1, so the teacher is not going over programming basics and assuming that we know these basics (which I don't). So now, I have to learn basic programming by myself. Any advice on videos, books, etc I could watch to learn basic Java? I have no idea what I'm doing in the class and I'm not keeping up very well...please help!</p>
<p>IMO The BPJ textbook (<a href=“http://www.bluepelicanjava.com”>http://www.bluepelicanjava.com</a>) is a good choice to start on the right foot since the assumption is little to no programming experience. It’s nicely put together. It’s curriculum is structured with AP CS and UIL CS in mind. Take a look and see if it helps. (It’s free!)</p>
<p>codingbat.com is fun and extremely helpful for learning the basics of programming. It literally drills concepts like strings, arrays, and recursion into your brain.</p>
<p>don’t forget to get the barron’s book</p>
<p>Programming’s one of those things that is usually best self-taught. I self-taught myself Python and LaTeX languages. You may want to check out (if you haven’t already):</p>
<p><a href=“Trail: Learning the Java Language (The Java™ Tutorials)”>JDK 20 Documentation - Home;