AP Comp Sci-- will I be able to handle it?

Hey guys.
So next year I plan on taking AP Computer Science online through Florida Virtual School (FLVS). I don’t really have much experience in this field as I have never really taken a software/programming etc type of class before. Next year, I also plan on taking AP Calc I and Physics (maybe AP).
Will I be able to handle the AP Comp Sci online class next year?

Of course you’ll be able to handle it. AP Computer Science is an introductory course. You just need a few math pre requisites like geometry and algebra 2 i believe.

@perryxperry I don’t know if you even need HS geometry or algebra to study APCS. Some schools may set them as pre-requisites though.

@Ja97cob I didn’t take APCS although I know Java fairly decently (not an expert at it) - you don’t really need much prerequisite knowledge to learn Java at an introductory level, although being able to think logically (such as, how can I implement this method, or if I run my method, how many iterations will it take) definitely helps. You’ll likely encounter recursive data types or functions, which have some parallels with recursion as seen in algebra.