<p>Ok, so I entered the course (AB) this year with the some java fundamentals ( syntax, primitive data, operations, methods, loops) and have went through the following topics in AP:</p>
<p>-Classes, inheritance, etc.
-Gridworld (up to last chapter, which is after the critters section)</p>
<p>I had a bit of trouble with the concept of OOP but after doing a lot of FR's, weekly assignments, and gridworld, I think I've cut down on the common mistakes of class and method organization. And obviously this is the big concept in compsci. </p>
<p>So the next topic is linked lists and I've heard whispers of big-Oh, recursion, stacks, queues, hash, trees, etc. I think I'm still a bit iffy with OOP, actually it's more like I brute-force and get around the structure (redundancy in code). I'm a strong math student and am interested in compsci but will I be prepared for next semester? Also, for those of you taking the course, how are you guys doing?</p>