Hey guys, does anyone that took this ap test last year or this year know whether the date they have the performance tasks due on the exam information page (Aprill 30th) includes April 30th, or has to be uploaded before then? Thanks.
It’s due at 11:59 PM on April 30th, but I would recommend getting it in way before then. Since everyone’s going to be uploading it at the same time do it either later today or early next morning. And what I mean by early is about 3 AM or 4 AM in the morning. Even when I submitted it yesterday the websites was consistently crashing and I’m pretty sure that there was a lot less people turning it in than there will be on Sunday.
I am an AP Comp Sci Principles teacher. According to the College Board website:
Due to high submission volumes, the Digital Portfolio was unavailable for two hours on Friday, April 28th. If this outage causes students to have difficulty in submitting the performance tasks by May 1st then their work can still be submitted through May 2nd, 11:59 PM EST.
The deadline had actually been May 1st (at 11:59pm) prior to the difficulties experienced yesterday. The May 1st date was because 4/30 is a Sunday. Your teacher may have different requirements. This is the first year this AP test has been administered.
Thanks a lot! I’ve been sick a lot recently, and was having computer trouble, so this is a huge relief to me.