I’ve pretty much exhausted all the classes at my school and I don’t want to have to take minimum day. So I decided to sign up for AP Computer Science Online next semester through my state’s virtual learning center. However, after talking to my friends who have taken it, they both said it was pretty hard and they didn’t do very well in the class or on the exam. So I’m wondering: Is AP Comp Sci hard to grasp if you don’t already have the background in coding? If I’m willing to put in the extra work this semester to learn some coding will that make the class more manageable? And are there any outside resources I can use to prepare for the exam and to supplement the online learning?
APCSA is appropriate as a first course in computer science. I took the class through Florida Virtual School with absolutely 0 programming experience or knowledge, and now I work as a software engineer. So it’s certainly doable, heh.
@“Keasbey Nights” thank you!