<p>A couple of my friends and I are taking an Indepdent Study next year in AP Computer Science. First we are trying to decide whether to do A or AB. Second we are trying to find a good textbook for this course. We already have some basic JAVA programming knowledge (very rudiementary though). In addition to any textbook, we also plan on getting an AP Review guide but we definitely want a real textbook to use also. Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated! Thanks!</p>
<p>anyone??? please?</p>
<p>It really depends on your self study ability and how good of a programing background you have. AP Computer Science definitely is not the hardest AP Exam. But if you have little programing background and lack someone to explain the concepts when you get bogged down, you'll probably end up frustrated. Probably the best thing to do is to go buy an AP Computer Science <em>Review</em> book and look at the practice tests. If it looks like a form of ancient torture, I think the A test would probably be better. Then I would get a used text book to use for self study, just make sure its in Java and not the older C++. </p>
<p>A Test: More indepth over fundamentals like variable operations, simple recursion and sorts. Pretty much a end of year test from an intro into computer science class, but easier and with the Marine Biology program (look it up).</p>
<p>AB Test: Includes a few questions from the A test but those probably make up no more than 1/4 of the exam. AB mostly covers algorithms, data structures like Sets, Maps, and Trees, and just random stuff that wasn't covered on the A exam. It isn't really an in depth study into their implementation, but cursory check that you know the concepts. </p>
<p>I personaly found the AB test easier than the A test, because data structures are come more easily than the other stuff to me.</p>
<p>Thanks for the reply! I should have clarified what I meant by independent study: we actually have an advisor who we will meet with on a regular basis. This advisor has experience in Computer Science and will act as our teacher. So luckily we are not going to have to do everything on our own. As of now, I think we are leaning toward the AB course because then we could always take the A course if we aren't feeling really comfortable with the material by the end of the year. We also plan on doing some review over the summer and getting started on the work for next year.</p>
<p>This page (freepgs.com/dubhe/programming/apcs.php) offers some information to self-study AP CS, including textbooks to use.</p>
<p>My school used a textbook. I think it was called Introduction to computer programming with Java. Also while passing the test is important don't just study from an AP book. I would focus on actual programming and then in the last month actually do AP stuff. If you just focus on AP and pass, it will be meaningless because you will have no actual programming experience (not to mention programming is more fun than hand writing out programs).</p>
<p>DON'T use JAVA software solutions by lewis blah blah blah. I heard java methods is a good book to use my teacher has it</p>
<p>I get a 5 on the AB test without ever getting the any of the labs in Jave methods to work. I also had to TA the Camp Scie A since the teacher quit and we got a repalcement who didn't know anything.</p>