<p>Where can I find more multiple choice practice problems? Test is on Tuesday :(</p>
<p>well, there are a few (like 16) on the course description on collegeboard, if that helps. =/</p>
<p>Go to this link <a href=“[/url][/U]”></a></p>
<p>^thanks…any other ppl have past exams or anything to share?</p>
<p>Are you guys ready for the test?</p>
<p>^Ha, no.</p>
<p>Epic failed the mc test and frq test I did today. Expecting like a 1.</p>
<p>I think I’m okay, after the torture with Barrons. I don’t really like Gridworld, even though my teacher says that’s the easiest part of the exam, especially after we’ve spend an entire 2 months on it.</p>
<p>Barron’s book is so hard compared to the practice questions the teacher gave us.</p>
<p>I think I’m going to get a 2.</p>
<p>Why is the scale for this test so bad?</p>
<p>Am I the only one really worried about this test on Tuesday? Everyone else is so relaxed about it and not even studying or trying.</p>
<p>ive done my books 4 times now. done like 6 tests. i think im guarentted a 4 and i have chances for a 5. how does the barrons score correspond to the real score? i got a 66 but i was peeking so ill take like 10 points off for that. what would i be getting on the real test if i got a 56 on barrons?</p>
<p>If you’re taking the A exam, getting a 5 should be no problem. Last year, I did little studying during the year, hardly ever did my homework (it was rarely taken for a grade), and did just the bare minimum in-class work to get by with an “A”, then massively crammed two days before the exam with Barron’s, then got an easy 5 :)</p>
<p>OTOH, I’m taking AB this year, and I’m actually kind of worried about this one! Good luck to all</p>
<p>Incidentally, anyone remember how the test is scored? I don’t, and just took part of a practice test…</p>
<p>for AB its 100 points.</p>
<p>ok, thanks :)</p>
<p>How do you guys get the free responses?? I don’t even know where to start on those?!? sorry, I’m a bit flustered and worried about it, lol.</p>
<p>Just a heads up, if you can even half manage Barrons you’ll be fine (like 5). I was consistently scoring 3-4 on the Barrons tests and I got the easiest 5 of my life last year.</p>
<p>i took mock ap cs ab last week in class and i got 4 with 64 points. i aced mc (only 4wrong), but i just failed FR…How can I prepare for FR questions… i studied past FR questions on cb website but i totally dont understand whats goin on there</p>
<p>are you taking a or ab? for frq, just slow down and think it through - for the a exam, you have plenty of time also the quick reference saves lives - under stress of the exam i forgot how to use arraylists for a second, and that packet helped me stay sane and get a 5
it also helped substantially for gridworld, which we did little review over.</p>
<p>Wait a minute, we get a quick reference guide taht tells us how to declare arrays, arraylists, etc???</p>
<p>If so, that would be FKIN amazing !!!</p>
<p>hey is anyone here taking the ap computer science this year but was not in an ap computer science class? My school doesn’t have it so I was thinking to take the course at a community college and then take the ap exam next year. Do you think this will help at all? Need some feedback. Thanks:)</p>