AP courseload

<p>Anyone know much this is factored in? I know it can't be make or break, but after I looked over the copy of my application (FOR LIKE THE HUNDREDTH TIME!) I realized my gpa-suicidal coursework might be the only thing that gives me hope.</p>

<p>When the NYU admissions counselor came to my school, he said that they really, really want lots of AP and Honors classes. But, it kinda sounded like it is expect of you, and if you dont do take them, it will hurt you.</p>

<p>i dont think it matters XD</p>

<p>i took 1 ap before senior year, and i take 2 now. but for honors, majority of my courses were honors. </p>

<p>since i still got in, i don’t think it affects that much</p>

<p>Thats good to know!! Because, we have the same AP courseload.</p>

<p>Well, it depends. If you have a sucky GPA (like me) it might explain things and help you a little. I take classes that I’ll admit are WAY to hard for me, but I get decent (not perfect, but decent) grades in them and it demonstrates determinedness and ambition. If you have straight As in really low level courses, they might think you’re not applying yourself or extending to your fullest potential. Obviously, straight As in really hard courses would be key, but as most of us can’t naturally pull that off… I expect they’ll look at it on a case-by-case basis.</p>

<p>wow, only three APs and you’re in! that’s great to hear!
i took one soph, three junior, and five senior…</p>

<p>since nyu and many other colleges these days use a holistic approach when it comes to admissions… there is no set number of ap courses that will get you in… so maybe 3 ap courses satisfied the admissions officer but there was something else in his/her application that made him/her different… yes they want to see you challenge yourself… but dont expect to get in based on the fact that your gorging ap courses at your school… gluck</p>

<p>Cool, this is somewhat encouraging. It just seems like class rank and SATs seem to say a lot more to admissions. And if that’s the case, I don’t stand a chance.</p>

<p>4.17 gpa and by the end of senior year, 18 AP classes under my belt. <– My only saving grace.</p>

<p>how is 18 AP classes even possible? Are you calculating that by semester? I can’t imagine that you took 2 APs as a freshman…</p>

<p>GPA and standardized exams get you into consideration. I believe anyways.
7 APs by the end of this year and a 31 on the ACT
3.2 unweighted GPA
I got accepted to Gallatin yesterday.
But I had some amazing recs and the best essay I have ever written so I’m sure that is what got me in.</p>


<p>It’s not like i didn’t have to make my own sacrifices, my sanity in the month of May being the most regrettable. Other people pump up just as much on ECs or SAT or class rank.</p>

<p>^^and essays and recs :)</p>

<p>I didn’t even know that there were that many AP courses!</p>