<p>Thanks you all, it seems everyone has better luck than me. I envy you guys 
There is neither online AP courses nor CC courses (running start) provided by my school. If I want to take any more than the 3 APs my school offers, the money and time are both on me :(. It will not change my school GPA either.</p>
<p>I’ve 2 plans,</p>
<p>Plan 1.
Take 1CC in summer and 1CC in fall along with the 3 APs from school, so I’m done with CC in this year, so I can just focus on 3 AP tests in next May. I’m also in a spring sports team, so Spring is my busiest season.
Pro: lighter work load, more time for preparing for the 3APs and doing spring sports.
Con: I doubt CC courses will grab the college’s eye. I took a CC course before; I know my local CC courses aren‘t up to par with AP courses. Just hope out of state colleges don’t know it.</p>
<p>Plan 2.
I’ll start to study 2 APs this summer, and finish them at some point next school year, and take 5 AP tests in next May.
Pro: AP is a standardized test and all colleges acknowledge it. I might have the title “AP scholar with distinction” before I send my college appl. Is this title useful? Anyone know?
Con: Heavy work load, I have not taken any AP courses before, I don’t know whether I can handle it, It will be a busiest Spring ever in my life. Pressure! I must get 5 in 5 Aps.</p>
<p>What should I do?</p>
<p>To freznow,
I do want to show loyalty to my school, how can I?
Your advice is good; I’ll take online AP courses, and at least I’ll have grade/credit for the AP course. (If I can’t take AP test in May) I don’t know which online class is good. Thank you so much.</p>
<p>To aigiqinf,
Congrats to you.
If I had a good CC as you had, I‘d follow your route.</p>
<p>To rk33,
Agree with you, thanks for the info.</p>
<p>To Poseidonj,
My school doesn’t have running start,
IB diploma student? You are great:-)</p>
<p>To Grcxx3,