AP Credit and Engineering

<p>Hey everyone
Was accepted into petroleum engineering for TAMU and was wondering what the calc and chem classes are like. I'm currently taking BC calc and ap chem and feel pretty comfident I can score a 4 on both exams. I was just wondering if it is a good idea to go ahead and place out of these courses or if I should just retake them at TAMU? Are these classes significantly more difficult at TAMU? Will I be at a disadvantage if I don't take them?</p>

<p>Since you’re BC you might as well place out of Math 151. I wouldn’t recommend placing out of Math 152 unless you get a 5, though. Even then I don’t think it’d be a very good idea. Chem, I’m not sure about. Never took AP Chem so I don’t know how similar it is to Chem 107.</p>

<p>Are you sure that you CAN place out of chemistry? Not sure the courses are equivalent. If you’re confident about your calculus, why not go ahead and take it and boost your gpa?</p>

<p>Just based on S’s experience this year:
He made 5’s on Calc BC and AP Chem. He took the credit for Chemistry, calc 151 and 152. He is in organic now and doing fine so far. He made an A in multivariable. But he did say diff-e is a lot more work. He has needed help with it, but so far so good. The advisors will recommend you take 151 or 152. I think that is good advice. My S just felt like he had an extraordinary teacher in highschool and that he could handle moving on. But he would recommend testing out of chemistry in a second if you made a 4 or 5. He said his friends say the class is quite over-crowded and that the “computer glitches” cause time-consuming chaos on homework.</p>