AP Credit at UC Berkeley or UC San Diego

Hi, I was wondering if AP credit would allow me to possibly obtain sophomore status by the time I enter UC Berkeley or San Diego. I know that being able to get a 3 or higher on AP exams allow me to get the so called college credit, but is this the same credit that would allow freshmen to have sophomore status if they have 30 credits or above? Or do the points have to come from college classes taken in the campuses alone(and not the APs)?

Thanks for your time!

  • Gunguir

In case it helps, I am going to EECS for UCB and will enter Muir(if I get rejected from Warren) college for Computer Science

I go to UCSD, and I was able to get sophomore status from my AP credit. Pretty much a 3 or above will get you units, but the specific score (3,4, or 5) will allow you to be exempt from certain classes. For example, I only got a 3 on Bio, I got 8 units for passing the test, but still have to take the 3 Lower Division biology classes for my major because I did not receive a 4 or 5. To get sophomore status you need at least 44.9 units, from what I remember.