AP credit conundrum?

DD already has HY 101. 102, 103, and 104 credits at UA because of AP classes. Today she got some more AP credits but it looks like at least 1 class might be worthless. AP Gov is listed as being worth 3 additional credits for Poly Sci 101 but that course is another one that is listed up History, Social or Behavioral Sciences and the other AP appear to have already maxed out the available credits in that category.

Are the 3 credits from AP Gov actually worthless like I think?

@TV4caster sounds like you are right.

I’m curious - Has mybama already updated to reflect your most recent AP credits? It has not updated yet for us (we asked to have scores from May 2015 sent directly to Bama).

Not yet for this year. Last year’s scored are there and I was looking at where this year’s scores would go and see that there seems to be nowhere to slot in Gov.

They aren’t worthless. They just won’t count towards her core requirements. At a minimum those credits will count as elective credits advancing her class standing and giving her better priority for registering for classes, getting football tickets and choosing her dorm space if she elects to live in a dorm next year and beyond. If she ever adds a political science major or minor, it will count towards those requirements. If she aspires to Phi Beta Kappa, it can also count towards the number of liberal arts hours for PBK.