AP Credit Question Help!

I have gotten 5’s on econ both micro and macro and US history. For a finance major it looks like you need 12 credit hours of SB/HI and have a 6 hour sequence in history or literature. So with my history counting as both HY 103 and HY 104, and with my two econ classes have I met all the requirements? I think I have… I am deciding whether or not to stay in AP gov and if I have already completed this requirement there is no sense being stressed out over 5 AP classes senior year! Thanks for your help!!

AP Gov won’t count toward your gen eds, as HI and SB will already be satisfied, and it won’t count toward the other gen ed requirements. However, it’ll count as credits toward registration priority, and that might help you.

If you are a liberal arts major (probably not correct terminology, but as a chem e, anything non-science is liberal arts to me) AP gov should be easy for you. I got a four on AP gov, and I took AP BC calc, AP Physics, AP Environmental, and another I can’t seem to remember at the same time. I was fine, though I had a really great work ethic. 4s and 5s on everything. If you can handle the classes, you know from other students the teachers prepare you well for the exams, you have a good work ethic, you can keep up with HW (I also did extra work, especially in Physics and BC calc, just working problems for extra practice), you can continue to get enough sleep, and you’re willing to sacrifice some weekends for the weeks you know you’re gonna have a test in every single class, not only will you be prepared for college, but you can take 5 APs. Just don’t volunteer yourself to draw a very detailed, large scale picture in full color for a donor who donates money to the school, because that will be the thing you stress about