AP Credit question

DS18 is working on his HS senior year schedule. He is planning on majoring in Chemical Engineering. Most of the AP classes he has/will be taking I can figure out - APUSH, CHEM, CALC BC, ENGL and Macro Economics for a SB credit. However he’s taking Music Theory and Government next year and it doesn’t look like those are part of the core curriculum. Can those apply as HU and SB credits? Or would they just be electives?

He’s trying to make enough room in his college schedule for Co-ops and the 5 year MBA without extending his time too much.

Check out this link, it explains what all AP credits are worth. https://catalog.ua.edu/undergraduate/about/academic-regulations/policies/credit-by-examination/ A lot of it depends on scores on the exams. My dd is doing the Gov this year and now that I see it just counts as 3 credits for Intro to Pol Science I wish she had taken something else but at that point UA was not even on the radar. She will get SB gen ed credit for it but there are other things she could have taken that were more beneficial to her.

The Music Theory will give him 3 HU (humanities) credits which is part of the Gen ed requirements for my dd but not sure about an eng student.

From what I see he only needs 9 hours of HI/SB credits. If he makes a 4 on the APUSH exam next month that will be 6. He’s taking economics and government next year. I guess he really would only need the AP credits for 1 of those to fulfill the SB requirements and then if he took the other exam those credits would just be elective credit?

I think the Music Theory would count as 3 HU for the core curriculum. That’s the way I understood it too but I just wanted to make sure there wasn’t something I was missing. That leaves him with 6 more hours of HU he would need when he gets there but that’s ok. He’s interested in taking some of the classes that UA offers.

Once he fulfills a gen ed requirement (for example his 9 HI/SB credits), any additional credits will be considered general elective credit. It’ll count toward his total degree credits required (although not every student will need general electives - my daughter didn’t need them by the time she fulfilled the requirements (gen ed and otherwise) for her majors and minor). It’ll also count as credits for purposes of certain things that are done based on credit hours, such as registration priority. For that reason alone those extra credits are worth having.

@TexasMom18 Does his high school offer any dual enrollment courses that would be more beneficial to him than the Music Theory and Gov?? That is something to consider as well. I wish I knew then what I know now!! LOLOL

I believe he’s required to take government by the high school. Music Theory is for fun. If we are being honest music is his passion. But he doesn’t think he wants to make a career of it.