AP Credit Transfer

<p>I'm going to a local community college to save money and I'm trying to figure out what to do with my AP credits. </p>

<p>I have the following scores:
Eng Lang/Comp 3
Psychology 4
Euro Hist 3
World Hist 4</p>

<p>I can get a good amount of credit at my school for these, but A&M not so much. Is there a way I can take AP credit at my school and then A&M will accept the given credit? I don't know if that's confusing, but I've heard some schools don't accept AP credit given by other schools.</p>

<p>I'm hoping to transfer to the Economics degree, in the Liberal Arts school, if that helps.</p>

<p>Good Question. I believe you need to call Admissions and ask about the transfer AP Credits. You could also make an appointment and speak to someone at a Prospective Student center near you.</p>

<p>That’s really interesting. I’m in the same situation hopefully someone gives a thorough answer. I think that if you take the AP credit to the community college, then it will go down as a credit received from the college. So when you transfer, the AP credit will just be the credit from the community college. Again, I am not sure but that seems to make the most sense.</p>

<p>rangers32 has a pretty solid answer. If your current school accepts the AP scores for course credit, the courses would be part of the transcript that A&M would evaluate. You can check out what courses transfer between Texas state schools at [TCCNS</a> - Common Course Matrix](<a href=“http://www.tccns.org/matrix.aspx]TCCNS”>http://www.tccns.org/matrix.aspx).</p>

<p>Here’s the issue: just because Texas A&M accepts the credit does not mean that your intended major will.You should discuss degree requirements and how credit will transfer with an advisor in your intended major.</p>

<p>Hope this is helpful!</p>

<p>Jon Kotinek
Associate Director
Honors and Undergraduate Research</p>