AP credit where there is no equivalent Brandeis coursework?

I am registering my daughter for her AP Exams and found this Brandeis AP Chart on the Brandeis website. The Chart sets out each exam and how it will be credited if a student scores either a 4 or 5:

Am I interpreting the Chart correctly as it applies to the European History and Environmental Science exams?:
For exams like European History and Environmental Science, the Chart indicates that there is no equivalent Brandeis class. However, it seems to suggest that the student will earn 4 credits and meet a course requirement in the School of Science with a 4 or 5 on the Environmental Science exam and similarly in the School of Social Science with a score of 4 or 5 on the European History Exam.

Is my interpretation correct?

What about where a student is majoring in Environmental Studies – will the Environmental Science exam score still be accepted for credit?

Thanks so much.