<p>Hey guys so I just have a question about monopolies. I know monopolies try to maximize profit and not revenue, but does someone know of a powerpoint/pdf/webpage that shows a graph of what it would look like if a monopoly was trying to maximize total revenue? This question came up in a sample free response question that my teacher gave us and I can't seem to find a picture of it in the Mankiw text at all. Thanks.</p>
<p>[Monopoly</a> - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia](<a href=“http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Monopoly]Monopoly”>Monopoly - Wikipedia)</p>
<p>wikipedia for the win.</p>
<p>and for a monopoly, just keep in mind that MC-crosses-MR
is where the quantity is set-- if a monopoly strives for
anything else, then it isn’t a monopoly anymore.</p>
<p>and total revenue is just Price*quantity, so where-ever you can
draw the largest box with one point on the demand curve. :D</p>
<p>there is this lady on youtube who produced a series of videos on micro and macro that are really quite good.</p>
<p>search on youtube ap microeconomics review and its a lady with a smartboad</p>