<p>I am interested in taking an AP economics exam through self studying or maybe an online course as I am really interested in economics. My current class (normal economics) is not as challenging as I hoped. I am primarily interested in AP micro but I was wondering if macro or micro is particularly harder or one is more popular etc. Or are they frequently taken as a dual course kind of thing. Any information is welcome especially if you have self studied the topic. I have some previous knowledge that could also help me.<br>
Additionally, what are some popular places to take online AP classes. I moved around internationally a lot and I fear my extreme lack of APs might hurt me.<br>
Thanks :).</p>
<p>I'd self-study if I were you. Quickest and cheapest. What grade are you in?</p>
<p>Also, not to be nitpicky with this stuff, but with a clear title called "AP" and all the subject about AP, shouldn't you post this under the "AP" section? I have no right to complain about this but I'm recently seeing so many of these "What should I do for SAT" and the like stuff.</p>
<p>And no, it won't hurt you.</p>
<p>I'm a junior.
Oops sorry, I'll make sure I post my next thread in the correct section.</p>