<p>I'm deciding which AP Science course to take next year?
AP Environmental Science or AP Biology? Which is easier?</p>
<p>ap en sci easier u can self study
take ap bio</p>
<p>I loved Biology. I did amazing in Honors Biology like 98% every quarter. My Bio teacher teaches AP Env. Science so thought it could be fun to have him again. I probably wouldn’t self study it, but my opinion could change. I’m just not sure which class I should take in 11th grade and which in 12th grade.</p>
<p>I’ve got the same question. AP Environmental is basically a joke class in my school but AP Bio is supposedly the hardest in the school. I’m in AP Chemistry right now and I’m am doing well.</p>
<p>My brutally honest opinion is that AP Environmental Science is just biology for idiots. If you want to be taken seriously as a science fanatic, go with AP Bio. If you plan on majoring in something environment-related, take both.</p>
<p>AP bio is more interesting because your learnig at a broader level of all biology.
ap environmental, is more about the environment/evolution topic.
To me i rather get ap bio</p>
<p>i would take ap bio, and then self study ap environmental. </p>
<p>Personally, i take ap chem</p>
<p>Depends on the teacher. Talk to others who have taken each class.</p>
<p>Take bio, self-study environmental science. I self-studied bio and managed a 3; it is a hard class to self study, even with prior knowledge of macrobiology and biochemistry. On the other hand, I hear AP Environmental the easiest of the science exams, so you should do better that way.</p>
<p>I won’t self study that one. Can someone tell me which I should take in 11th and which in 12th?</p>
<p>11th grade Bio and 12th grade Environmental.
The reason I think you should take bio in 11th because it would help you on your SAT 2, if you want to take biology. Also, environmental science usually involves less work than biology, so if you take it in 12th grade, you can have more time to do your college apps and whatnot.
Personally, I would take Chem AP…</p>
<p>I plan to take Chem or Physics AP in 12th. I love the Sciences. I would take 2 Sciences in 11th, but I plan to take AP Psych, APUSH, and one Science AP in 11th.</p>
<p>You should figure out what it’s like for your school; some people say APES is really hard when it was a complete joke at my school. In terms of the AP test, Bio > APES, definitely. I went into the APES test (having not been in the class since January) with 6 hours of study (lol the night before) and got a 5.</p>
<p>Take AP Bio… Alot of top tier schools won’t accept APES credit. Bio’s harder in most cases though…</p>
<p>I am also confused. It looks easy and hard at the same time.</p>
<p>I’m in AP Bio and it is A LOT of work. AP envio is actually difficult at my school (but most people score 4 or 5 on the test). It really depends on the teacher</p>
<p>I would take AP Bio as a class and self study AP Environmental Science.</p>
<p>Consider this perpective. APES looks the same as ap psych (maybe psych looks a tiny bit better). AP bio gets rid of a whole year of science and looks pretty good.
AP bio however sounds rather boring until anatomy/physiology which is like the last few weeks.
APES is a mix of bio and social studies and for the record, just sounds more interesting</p>