AP Environmental Science or AP Micro/Macro Economics - which should I self-study for?

I plan on self-studying for a few APs this summer/year, I was wondering which would be easier to self-study Environmental Science or Micro/Macro economics. I took env sci, freshman year and did well but it appears that there are not very many good self-study resources for AP Environmental Science. I have no experience really with economics because it is not offered until senior year but I have read stuff by Malthus, Ricardo, Keynes(SP) and I am really interested in their theories. I also think environmental science may be a bit boring to study as I have already learned it. Also, I am close with the economics teacher at my school so i figure that if I don't understand anything I can ask him. I would also like to know which one is more time consuming? Any advice would greatly be appreciated! :)</p>

<p>Well, do whichever one you think you'd like more, which seems to be the two Econs.</p>

<p>But remember, AP Env. Science rarely gets any credit (the bigger and more prestigious schools pretty much never give credit for it), while the AP Econs usually do (sometimes for combined credit, sometimes separate)</p>

<p>If you did Econ, would you do both? or just one? If just one, Macro would be the better fit based on what you've said.</p>

<p>I've only done the econs, but for me I took an online course, so they were pretty time-consuming as I had a lot of homework. But I was overprepared, and if you just prepared through review books, it would take much less time. There are many people on CC who begin the econs the night before the test I believe.</p>

<p>what website did you use to take the online course? I would prefer to take both and if I feel Macro is took complicated then I would probably take Micro. I was planning on buying PR review micro/macro economics and I might ask the economics teacher if he would consider lending me a textbook to use as a study guide also. Thanks for the advice! :)</p>