<p>AP Environmental Science - Study Guides? Which are the best one out there?</p>
<p>Princeton Review.</p>
<p>Most are incomplete.</p>
<p>I have Princeton Review and don't think it's very comprehensive?
We did a whole unit on biodiversity in class but PR only has ONE PARAGRAPH on that.</p>
<p>yeah most Environmental Science review books are inadequate for the actual AP test. The best out there is prbly SmartyPants.</p>
<p>I think SmartyPants is the best. If you memorize everything in there you should do well on the exam.</p>
<p>I don’t get it …the smarty pants book is so condensed…( i do have it ofcourse) …
and that’s all u need to know?
I guess u mean…that the guide is essentially a “guide” …and helps us focus on important topics right? so we could just mull about those topics and read more about them than the others …
pls reply. Ty.</p>