Hey everyone,
So I signed up for this class because I need one life science and one physical science at my college to complete the general education core curriculum for science. I took AP Chemistry as a junior this year, and it was pretty rough. I decided to take APES this upcoming year as a senior for a break and some easy college credit–all I need is a 3! I’m hoping I’ll find it interesting and get a 4 or a 5, but I’ll take a 3 if worse comes to worst.
What have you guys heard about this class/exam? Are you excited for it? What review books have you all heard that are good? I have heard Smartypants and the Princeton Review are good ones.
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Get Princeton Review and 5 steps to a 5 500 multiple choice questions and if you actually go cover to cover you should get a 5 and at worst a 4!
@InstantEco Thanks for the advice! Did you take this exam?
@PhilipL Yes, I took it a few weeks ago.
Is APES hard? How much work is involved?
@blackkitteycat My friends told me the APES class at our school is a joke, but every class is different. I’m hoping it just makes sense because it is tangible (unlike chemistry).
Bump guys! School started on the 3rd for us. Our APES class seems really unhelpful (just like my friend said), so I’m ordering the 2016 Princeton Review APES book now. Anyone else taking this at school, or are most of you self-studying?
@PhilipL I’m taking it this year at school too, but I have no clue what its supposed to be like.
Does anyone have a recommendation of a good AP Prep book I can use for this class?
PhilipL - I would like to know what, in your opinion, is what your APES class in unhelpful. Feedback would be appreciated and possibly to enhance my own students’ experience, if it’s something I may be missing.
Yo guys exam is in less than a month, let’s get studying!!
APES is by the far the most interesting and enjoyable class I have ever taken. I recommend Princeton Review, 5 steps to a 5, and Barron’s. I really don’t like the 500 questions. Some of those questions are just WAY too random and specific. I am determined to get a 5 on the 2016 exam 
@lindsgal Omg I just had a panic attack because I didn’t realize AP exams were that close. That’s crazy.
@nicknick567 I’m jealous! My APES experience has been HORRIBLE. Terrible teacher who does not really teach anything. I’m hoping Princeton Review will come through for me for the AP exam. I’m gonna start looking at it a week before the exam. (Okay maybe like two days before if we are being honest)
Have there been any recent major changes to the exam? I’m using Smartypants guide, and I don’t know whether it will still work.
@Batmoose I don’t think the APES exam has ever been changed. If it has, not recently. You should be good.
4 days!!! We did a practice test in my APES class (I didn’t study), and I got a 4. However, I scored a 108, and I would have needed a 109 to get a 5. Feeling confident & hoping that I will get a 5 on the real exam 
4 yesterday, 5 today!!! Think I’m making progress!!! :))
Does anyone know where I could find any other practice exams online? I just did the 1998 released exam and did pretty well, but I would like more practice!
My teacher provided us with the 2003 and 2008 exams, but I don’t know where she got them.
I’m so nervous for the exam! (Specifically the math FRQ lol)