I’m deciding between these two classes for my senior year. I am also taking AP Calc BC, AP English Lit, AP Econ/gov, and ceramics. I am currently in AP Biology, and I know that my major will be biology. I’m not sure whether I should take APES or AP Psych next year. I think I would find psych more interesting but my only concern is that it doesn’t count as a science, and since my major is science I’m scared that colleges will look down on me for only having three years. However, I’m not going to be an environmental major, more along the lines of medicine/genetics. Does anyone have advice on which class to choose?
Environmental is very related to biology, so I think that this would benefit your biology major and will be enjoyable if you love biology. On the other hand, if psychology is more interesting to you, you should take that, unless you are trying to get into a very specialized biology program where having taken environmental science would help you more.