Next year, I’m going to be a sophomore with two other AP science classes (bio and physics). FROM THOSE THAT HAVE TAKEN either of these AP social studies, what is ur opinion:do you think that AP Human Geo is a joke, and will colleges view it in that light? And for Euroers:do you or your peers regret taking Euro because of its enormous course load?</p>
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<p>I’ve actually taken both of those classes! I took Honors World History my freshman year, Ap Euro my sophomore year, and Ap Human my junior year (I’m going to be a senior now). Let me be honest here; Ap euro is a lot of work. The material isn’t hard - I actually found the majority of it to be interesting - but the work load is a lot. There is a lot of reading, with the tests focusing on key details. I found myself studying 5-6 hours for 3 days prior to a test in order to guarantee my A. That being said, that class truly instilled a great work ethic in me… It taught me discipline, time management, and how to extract key details from a large portion of text - and these skills have allowed me to excel in every class after that, no regrets
<p>Now for Ap human - </p>
<p>I signed up for this class because I wanted an easy, guaranteed GPA boost. Many will tell u this class is really a blow-off, but don’t let that allow you to fall into overconfidence. It still requires some level of reading, although the content is much easier. Ap euro focuses more on details and historical fact, whereas Ap human focuses on concepts and vocabulary. The tests, and the ap test, for ap human were more application - do u understand this concept and can you apply it to this country or this type of people? In my opinion, it’s much more of an intuition class. You do acquire a broader view of the world, and it is much easier than ap euro, but I feel as if you grow more with Ap euro. </p>
<p>It all depends on what other Ap’s ur taking, how much time you can devote to each subject, and above all else, knowing ur own limits</p>
<p>I took AP Euro and had a relatively easy going teacher. (He was really cool and fun and I’d turn in work in weeks late and he’d give me full credit lol.) Anyways, AP euro isn’t really a difficult class, but there’s a TON of work that goes into it. We had a lot of reading (it included filling out notes while doing it), made hundreds of flash cards and had an interactive notebook. So it really depends on your teacher. It’s not difficult material but it’s just very work intensive </p>
<p>I took AP Euro this year and got a 4 on the exam and an A first semester B second semester because I slacked off… it’s really not that difficult of a class despite its reputation for it. It’s completely memorization and that’s it, if you have any dedication at all to the subject you’re fine. I personally am a total slacker and only did my homework every so often even though we had it every night and between my teacher being an amazing teacher who made the subject really interesting during lectures and me self studying my butt off the week before the exam I pulled the 4 off. My best friend took AP Human Geography last year and received a 2 on the exam and let me tell you she’s not stupid. It’s just kind of a ridiculous class where the knowledge you learn will be of no use to you in the future; whereas, I actually learned a lot of really cool stuff in AP Euro that’s not only just really good knowledge to have in general, but also will help this upcoming year in APUSH. Although you really should take the class that interests you most, AP Euro was the best class I’ve taken so far in high school and I have some amazing memories from it as well as a broad knowledge of history now and do not regret taking it at all, I highly recommend it.</p>