I am currently a freshman contemplating what to do with my sophomore schedule. This is mostly regarding whether the heavy workload in AP Euro is more rewarding to take (rewarding meaning how it looks to colleges) compared to the light workload of AP Human Geography, in comparison to the amount of work. Kind of a workload to reward ratio. If I take AP Human Geography, I will also be taking AP Computer Science along with it (If anyone can tell me how much homework that gets, that would be awesome). This year I took Honors World History and got a 90.8% The first semester and currently have the same grade. Thanks for any help!
PS along with whatever I choose I will be taking Spanish 2, Honors Chemistry, and Honors Algebra 2 Trig
personally, i would go with AP euro because, like you said, its more rewarding and i think its a better use of your time. A lot of colleges are more interested with Euro scores than aphg
APCS looks pretty damn impressive on an application, though. It can also be very difficult, depending on the school you go to. Do you have an opportunity to take it later? If so, do that and take AP Euro now. The rest of your schedule doesn’t seem too difficult, so save Human Geo for a later year when you want an easy course to fill up your schedule.
AP CS + AP HG to ease you into AP classes sounds perfect. Plan to take AP Euro your senior year - it’s a hard course anyway. OR, if you find your schedule okay, take AP Euro next year and save AP CS for Senior year.