AP Exam Scores - already uploaded to your Student Center account

Student Center
My Academics
Placement Test Scores</p>

<p>then scroll to the bottom (upload date 6/30/2011)</p>

<p>Link to UW-Madison policy/details on credits granted for AP exams:</p>

<p>[Advanced</a> Credit - Office of Admissions at the University of Wisconsin-Madison](<a href=“http://www.admissions.wisc.edu/APIB.php]Advanced”>http://www.admissions.wisc.edu/APIB.php)</p>

<p>So I did good on Calculus and Literature & Compisition…does this mean I don’t have to try during the placement tests now?</p>

<p>You should still try your best on the placement tests to avoid contradictory results.</p>

<p>For the math portion, remember to bring a non-graphing calculator.</p>

<p>So, these are official AP scores?</p>

<p>Does anyone know if these are the official AP scores? This would really make my day.</p>

<p>^ yes they are the offical scores.</p>

<p>Are you asking what scores they accept or what they will give you for them?</p>

<p>quick question: i didn’t have my AP scores sent directly to Wisconsin. Can I just bring the mail I got with me to my advisor when I register for classes at SOAR, or do I have to have them “officially” sent for $15?</p>

<p>Your scores need to be entered into the system - that is done by having them officially sent. To get credit for them they need to be officially in the system. Showing a copy to your advisor helps if s/he can’t access them otherwise.</p>