AP Exams vs Placement Tests?

<p>So, I'm taking my placement tests tomorrow in English, Math, and French and I'm still unclear on what exactly their point is for students who have taken Ap courses. If the scores conflict, which score takes precedence? </p>

<p>I'm really concerned about doing horribly on the Math placement test, even though I've always been a very strong math student. I just don't remember many of the things being tested since it's been years since I took Algebra or Geometry. Even Trig is pretty fuzzy since I took AP Calculus this year. </p>

<p>So, hypothetically, if I did poorly on the Math Placement and very well (4 or 5) on my AP Calculus exam, what would happen? Would I be forced to take Math I already took in HS over again? I definitely hope the AP score is given more weight and cancels out the placement test. It just makes no sense and there's no information out there on this that I've been able to find. I know I'm not the only one unclear on this. </p>

<p>Also, why do students taking Calc in HS even have to take the placement test? I heard that the highest class it places students in is Calculus anyway. I'm so confused. </p>

<p>Anyway, I'd appreciate any information on this. It would be a lot less stressful if I knew for certain that AP exams scores override placement tests.</p>

<p>Your AP exam scores are what matter.</p>

<p>So… if you are placed in math 100 or whatever because of your placement exam but you score 4/5 on calc, you will be boosted up to the higher math. </p>

<p>Same with English because a 4/5 on lang or lit satisfies your Com A requirement (which is English 100s).</p>

<p>Hope this makes sense.</p>