<p>Hi! This is my first time posting on this website. I've been reading everyone's opinions on this matter for a couple days but I haven't found exactly what I'm looking for. Here are my questions:
1) Should I take AP Computer Science A, AP Statistics, or AP Art History on FLVS? There's been many mixed reviews. I think I want to take computer science because there's been mostly positive reviews on that course. But how about Art history and statistics? There are many conflicting views on these courses.
2) I'm a junior right now and I'm trying to decide whether or not to take AP FLVS classes.
I only need English and economics to graduate. Would it be pointless to take these AP classes when those are the only classes I need to graduate? Should I just enjoy my last summer as a high schooler? I don't think I'll have much to the summer so it's just something to do. </p>
<p>I’m not sure if this would affect your decision, but keep in mind that AP FLVS courses won’t be calculated into your HPA until after you take your exams. For you, that means the end of senior year. Transcript too, I think, unless you fill out a form after finishing the class over the summer. Talk to your counselor about it, it might not be worth the trouble as a junior going into senior year. </p>
<p>From hearsay:
AP Computer Science A is actually halfdecent. There’s work, but it’ll make you destroy the AP exam.
AP Statistics sucks on FLVS. Overly difficult. Though this was before the revamp about two years ago.</p>
<p>I’m not sure about AP Art History but it has been done. </p>
<p>You may want to consider dual enrollment instead if you have a half decent program in your area. FLVS is usually not worth the trouble unless you have no other option left/really care about your rank.</p>
<p>I was looking into dual enrollment but I was going to miss 3 days of class which basically equals 3 weeks at college. So I decided not to do that. I’m not really taking it to boost my GPA. My school doesn’t really do ranks either. It’s basically because I’ll be super bored in summer and I guess I just want to feel productive in summer. I’ve never done any programming but I’m going to try APCS. Thanks for your help about statistics.
<p>Does anyone know about AP Art History?</p>
I’m in the exact same situation as you right now. I suggest taking both Ap Comp. Sci. and Ap Stats Because thats what im doing but my school doesnt allow taking an english course ahead of when you’re supposed to.