AP Gov Advice

<p>AP Gov is defiantly my hardest class. It helps having APUSH under my belt, but only a small part. The tests aren't too hard in my opinion. But the homework and essays are. My teacher has an essay topic for each chapter and we have to write without passive verbs as much as possible and the questions sometimes can be very difficult. Any study tips and essay tips?</p>

<p>I have the same problem. Before I usually write an essay, I make an outline</p>

<p>two tips:

  1. Answer the question
  2. Use as much vocab and core points from your textbook as you can while still answering the prompt.</p>

<p>AP GOV was a breeze- also never took apush, got a 5 as well as an a. Listen more than you write to fully understant. Lastly, make youre FRQ’s detailed and connected to the theme, as well as explain. (I never studied)</p>