AP Grade is an 89. Should I beg the teacher for a 90?

Who knows what she might say? I have to send out a mid-year report.

Hey, you gotta do what you gotta do. If that kind of stuff works, go for it.

Yes, even ask to do extra cred

If you think it’ll work with that teacher, sure.

If you didn’t earn a 90, I wouldn’t expect you to be given a 90

Uh. No. Did you earn a 90?

One difference between an A- and a B+ is not what is going to keep you out of colleges senior year

At our high school, a 90% is still a B+.
It can’t hurt to ask her. Explain your situation to her and offer to do extra work.

Assuming the semester is over, it is inappropriate to ask NOW for extra work. The OP should have worked harder during the semester. I am going to assume he/she did any extra credit offered during the semester. If not, he/she should accept the grade they have. Just asking because you would LIKE to get a higher grade than you earned is inappropriate AND very annoying to your teacher.

@ilovethecity‌ greatest thread in all of CC

If you earned an 89, why do you think she should give you a 90?

I’m assuming getting a ‘100’ would have been preferable to both 89 or 90.

If she is at all an ethical teacher then she will say no. Otherwise why not tack a point onto everyone else’s grade as well? And you will then as well have a rep that you do not want.

Honestly, I don’t see a problem with doing this. If she says yes, good for you; if she says no, no one is really harmed in any way.

I once asked a teacher if he could bump my grade from a 92.4 % (A-) to a 92.5% (A). I explained that I did poorly on one test at the beginning of the year, but that I picked up the slack and finished with a high A in the last semester. I explained that I had been working really hard, and he agreed. So, if you can prove to your teacher that you’ve been working hard they might be more inclined to help.

Also, younger teachers are generally more willing.

Of course. Begging for grades is a part of college.

So THAT’S what all those Premeds were always doing at the entrance to the Physics building…

Did you not notice you were on the border, or did you bomb on the midterm? If you were skating the low 90’s\high 80’s, then the time to ask for extra credit was before the exam or end of the semester. If you bombed the midterm final, look at your work over the term and see if you have an argument.

Just don’t ask because you “need” the 90. That’s weak

Would’t artificially elevating your grade be entirely inequitable to all your classmates? If so, how can you expect a teacher to do it, since it will unfairly hurt many others? Man up, have some self-respect, take the grade you’ve earned and live with the consequences.

Certain threads on CC are very useful in clarifying why things are the way they are and I think this might be one of them.

I never begged for grades in college. But I would go see a professor (or high school teacher) if I thought I had been docked points unfairly on something and wanted to argue my case for getting more credit due to that. But I had an academic argument, not a “pity me due to worries about college admissions” argument. And if I didn’t get more credit, I usually came away with a better understanding of how to handle that problem or assignment type in the future to get a better grade. But once the semester is over? That is just pitiful.