<p>So I took AP US History 1 last year. However, due to schedule conflicts, I had to take Honors this year. Would it be a good idea to take the AP Exam this year? When do colleges see my AP Score? Will I losse credit from last year if I don't take the exam this year?</p>
<p>Honors US History 2 for clarification</p>
<p>You won’t lose last year’s score/credit, no matter what you do. </p>
<p>When you take an AP exam, you can list a school to receive your score. When you’re a senior, you can list your final choice school and they’ll get your scores in July before you start college.</p>
<p>When you apply to colleges, you often just self-report your AP scores. Your final school will get the scores in July (if you list the school when you take senior exams.)</p>
<p>thank you. But in my school if you don’t take the AP Exam then you don’t get the AP credit for that class…Does it even matter though. If I’m applying to Ivys, and I took APUSH1 but didn’t take the exam the following year and took AP US HIST H…will it really matter? It was due to sched. conflicts that I couldn’t ake the class…</p>