Normally, I get around 55-65 on the multiple choice section. How many points would I need to get on the FRQs to get a 5?</p>
How is AP Human Geography graded? I know there is a penalty for wrong answers, but how much is deduced? </p>
Is 60/75 on track to get a 5?</p>
<p>Use APPass calculators for the future…really helpful
[AP</a> Pass - AP Humangeography Calculator](<a href=“]AP”>AP Human Geography Test Score Calculator - AP Pass)</p>
<p>I am assuming you mean 55 correct and not 55%</p>
<p>But I’ll do it for you, so with a 55 MC you could still manage at the minimum a 11/23 on the CRQ to get a 5. </p>
<p>If you mean 55%, still a 5 is a doable. Would mean getting a 41/74 on the MC and a at least a 16/23 on the CRQ. </p>
<p>I am not 100% on this, but it also depends on the curve. I think APPass has the average curve that collegeboard publishes. Someone will have to deny or confirm this…</p>
<p>To be safe, maybe score a little above than what the minimum curve is.</p>
<p>In short yes they are both on track to get a 5</p>