AP Lit

<p>So I have asked this question before. However, I have some more info so I want to ask it again.</p>

<p>I am an international junior right now. I am having a A in English III at a really rigorous private school. I am considering taking AP Lit next year.</p>

<p>Here are some requirements for the course: 40-60 pages of reading every night, 4 to 5 papers/ term, 2 presentations, in class essay after every book, about 16 books. Thus, it's intensive</p>

<p>I am gonna take AP Physics E&M and AP Bio.</p>

<p>Should I take AP Lit ??</p>

<p>Any suggestion ?</p>

<p>I don’t know if this gonna help but for now, my courses will be : ap bio, ap physics, prob/stats ( I will be done with Cal II this year so prob/stats are the ones I can take), japan/china (history elective course, I did not take World His I or II so I cannot take AP Euro), Spanish IIe</p>

<p>Can anyone give me some suggestions ??</p>

<p>Well personally I took AP Physics my junior year and know that unless you are one of those people who are good at deciphering math with little to know studying then you will need to devote a lot of time to Physics. It requires a lot of study and analysis. I’m taking AP Lit now (senior year) and I think it would have been extremely difficult to do both in the same year. I had some friends who took AP Bio, they said it was very easy.</p>

<p>I’m in AP Lit right now and my class sounds similar to how yours will be, except with more reading and fewer essays (more in-class work). TBH I’m struggling somewhat (I think I have a B right now), but I was a A-/B+ student before in Honors English last year. I think if you want to take it, go ahead and do it since it sounds like you’re strong in English anyway. However, I’m not sure that I would do 2 AP sciences along with it - AP Physics is known to be VERY time-consuming and soul-crushing, and AP Bio is no walk in the park either (a lot of labs and memorizing). I say if you pick one AP science and drop to honors in the other, you should be fine if you really want to fit AP Lit in.</p>

<p>Sounds like good prep for college.
I personally would.
Only you know your limits.
You can always drop the class if it gets too much for you anyway right?</p>

<p>If anyone needs help with all of those extremely difficult and important AP tests, you should definitely considering getting tutored by the best-</p>

<p>Check out:</p>

<p>[Veritas</a> Tutors](<a href=“http://www.veritutors.com/index.php?page=home]Veritas”>http://www.veritutors.com/index.php?page=home)</p>

<p>It depends on how good you are at reading and writing. I’m taking 5 AP’s this year and not struggling at all, but I am a quick reader and decent writer. I would defintiely take it either if you like to read and write or are very good at them. But if not, you will likely struggle. Also, if you school offers AP lang, I would take that instead of AP lit.</p>

<p>Thanks for your suggestions</p>

<p>I am not a super good reader since English is not my first language. I don’t know if I can read that fast. I can write decently. One of my purpose of taking this course is to get use to with the reading load that I will have to face at college. Is it true that students have to read about 50-100 pages/ night ? I also want to improve my writing, reading skills, critical thinking.</p>

<p>So do you think I will be a good fit for this course ?</p>

<p>How AP Lang different ? My school does offer AP Language but mostly juniors take it so I don’t know if I can take it.</p>

<p>It really is completely dependent on your writing style and how well your teacher likes it. I have quite a unique writing style, and my teacher likes it, so I am able to get away with sparknoting and get As, but many others are not as lucky.</p>


<p>How long does it take you guys to read 40-60 pages ? I am worried more about the reading than the writing.</p>

<p>AP bio is very time consuming- has a lot of material. Ap lit is easier than Ap language & composition. AP lit is generally based on 12th grade English, AP lang & Comp is based on 11th grade English. There is a good bit of overlap. AP Lit seems to be easier for most kids. Look at the sample questions online & see if you can handle either. Both have very particular questions based on syntax & usage of language which I think would be really difficult for a non-native student. Not picking on you here- I am first generation & have many relatives who are ELS -just being honest.</p>

<p>Can you dual enroll in freshman ENGL101 at a local community college? That way you can get credit transferred to your 4 year college & also get a feel for the work load. (usually easy at jr college)</p>

<p>thanks. I need honest suggestions so thank you for that.</p>

<p>I cannot take an English 101 at a community college here since my case is too complicated.</p>

<p>So you think I should not take AP Lit in my senior year since it’s too difficult for a non-native speaker and time consuming ?</p>

<p>Any more suggestions ?</p>

<p>I have take US History before so should I take AP US ? ( I did not take AP US before because my old school did not have it). I have signed up for 2 elective history courses. Will they make my schedule look weak to college with 2 APs ?</p>

<p>I am currently taking all AP’s: US Hist, Lit, Stats, and Studio Art. I’ve only taken one before, Gov’t, and I have to say the only one giving me any trouble is the Studio Art. The Lit is the easiest for me, because English is my strong point. That said, there are two non-native speakers in my Lit class and both are doing very well. One is from Argentina and the other is from Mexico. As long as you enjoy reading you should do fine.</p>


<p>Between an AP History, either US or Euro, and AP Lit ? What do you guys think I should take ?</p>

<p>I am gonna take 2 electives courses in History (that’s what I have registered), will my schedule look too weak on college application considering I am gonna take only 2 APs for sure, might be 3 ?</p>

<p>any comments ?</p>

<p>40-60 pages in small print, large books (David Copperfield) takes about an hour and a half. 60 pages in a textbook maybe 30-40 minutes</p>

<p>I think you should do what interests you. I’d do Euro History, but that’s just because that’s what interests me (and I read lots of American history books… then again that might be a reason to take it…)</p>