<p>Hola a todos!</p>
<p>I apologize that this thread is a little bit late, as the AP exam is this Friday, I'm just curious to see how many people are taking the exam this year and what kind of classroom setting they had to prepare for the exam. I took AP Spanish Language two years ago as a sophomore and got a 4, and I have near-native if not native fluency in Spanish. It is my passion and what I am majoring in in college. :)</p>
<p>I decided to take the exam the beginning of this year, but my IB things got in the way and couldn't start studying for the test until second semester. I am doing it completely as an independent study since it is what I am passionate about (before I even looked at the required reading list I had read at least 5-10 of the works). My teacher isn't very helpful when it comes to asking questions about the exam so, here I am haha. I'm wondering what the suggested amount of writing is for the essays Q3 and Q4 in the Free Response section since they're only 35 minutes long. I can't imagine they'd be too long, right?</p>
<p>I still have yet to study the themes and relate the themes to the works to get an idea of what works fall under what categories. I think going over rhetorical strategies will also prove to be beneficial. I made a set of 50+ note cards for all the works and their respective eras. I also did some for various themes like metafiction and the picaresque novel. Just kind of random stuff. I also have a lot of knowledge of works not mentioned on the reading list as well as Spanish cinematography so I'm hoping maybe some elements of those things can tie into the "Culture" part of the exam.</p>
<p>Can anyone give me some feedback as to whether or not I'm on the right track here? I need a 4 or 5 on this exam, it'd help a loooot since it's my major. I've read in Spanish pretty much every work except for big ones like Don Quijote where I just read a summary in Spanish of the parts that were required reading. Any other comments/suggestions are greatly appreciated and if study groups are still a thing those would be cool too!</p>
<p>Saludos cordiales ☺</p>
<p>I deleted the contents of this post, because English is the only language allowed to be used on CC, per the Terms of Service.</p>
<p>Hi @unproductive,</p>
<p>Wow, best of luck to you preparing for that exam in one day! I’m hoping that it will be easy enough (I too have a really great knack for Spanish and actually took my IB History exams in Spanish). I’m planning to do some MASS review tonight and again, if there is anyone else preparing for this exam currently comment on this thread so we can study!</p>
<p>Suerte y éxito a todos
<p>Hi @Minccino </p>
<p>I am currently preparing for this exam. If you still need someone to study with I am willing to study with you tonight.</p>
<p>good luck tomorrow
<p>Hi @hahaheythere!</p>
<p>That would be awesome, but I’m afraid I may have posted this a bit too late. I’m still studying but I’ve gotten most of my preparations done. Best of luck to you tomorrow as well! :)</p>
<p>I would have really liked to talk to you about some of that stuff. Shame.
On another note, dang that exam was difficult.</p>
<p>@DukeHopeful2013 Wow, you think so?! I thought it was soooo easy! I was surprised with how easy it was, actually. But I spent hours last night preparing and I worked really hard since I’m passionate about Spanish Literature so that could explain why I feel content about it. I will admit that Section A of MC was challenging, and I couldn’t finish my Q4 essay but I had about 2 pages written and was about to finish up my conclusion before time was called.</p>
<p>If anyone was wondering, I spent from 8:30 p.m. until 1:30 a.m. studying.
<p>Well, no- I’m between 95 to a 100% correct on MC. easiness; I literally had already heard one of the listening and speak Spanish as fluently as a non-native speaker can. But as I haven’t gone over modernism, the boom, or post boom era, identifying literary similarities for certain parts of the exam proved to be rather difficult. </p>
In that case, I could see how the exam would be difficult. Especially the free response. I’m sorry about that, I was actually the other way around… I studied mostly that era and not El Siglo de Oro. I’m pretty much fluent and Spanish is my life… so…</p>
<p>But anyways, I totally agree on the MC easiness. My essays were pretty solid as well. I’m thinking a 4, although a 5 would be really, really nice.</p>
<p>It’s a good thing I did study el Siglo de Oro as much as I could though. That’s probably how I was able to write a substancial amount of stuff lol</p>