<p>Hi, I plan to take the AP Music Theory this coming May. I'm very set on taking it and getting a 5, not for potential credit in college but for the knowledge, the satisfaction, and the potential, very slight college admission perk that I might achieve in taking the exam. I've been self-studying since the beginning of the school year, and I'm fairly comfortable with the multiple choice section of the test. </p>
<p>I'm a bit nervous about the free response part of the test though. How should I efficiently use the rest of my time until May 10 studying? Should it just be practice, practice, practice with the FR sample questions? Could you recommend any websites/textbooks that I could use to prepare for the free response? Do you think I should get a tutor (because that is definitely possible)? My sight-singing, when I compare it with the samples, is decent, though I've never taken lessons. I have perfect pitch, so I suppose the dictation simply involves bundles of practice. The four-part composition and the bass-line questions are slightly unfamiliar to me, though. How should I prepare?</p>