Hi! I’m a junior in high school, and I’ve been playing the piano and violin for 13 years. Because my school does not offer the AP Music Theory course, I have not yet taken the course. However, I have taken the level 10 CM piano evaluation twice and got 100% on the theory test, so I do have some knowledge about music theory. I also have perfect pitch.
For anyone who has taken the AP exam, what do you recommend I study to be prepared in May? And what do I need to know about reading different clefs (besides treble and bass)?
Thank you for your help!
Sight singing, being able to write out correct chord progressions with correct resolutions and no voice leading, etc., being able to recognize different chords, progressions, and harmonies by ear and on paper, and transcribing harmonic and melodic dictations. Also, the different modal scales, diminished/augmented chords/7ths, different types of candences, and more vocab kind of stuff. That’s all I really remember off the top of my head, but you could take a look at past AP Music Theory tests to see if there’s anything you find to be challenging. I think their course description pdf also has a brief rundown of topics.
Knowing how to read alto clef would be good.