AP physics 1

Inquiring about experience/advice regarding taking AP Physics 1 in junior or senior year. My son, undecided about his major but is leaning toward computer science or biotechnology, will be taking accelerated Alg2/precal in junior year and had planned to take AP physics 1 along with AP computer science A and AP environmental science. AP Chem and AP Cal AB in senior year.

He’s simply unsure whether doing AP Physics 1 now will be too much or if he should take AP Bio now and AP Phys 1 & AP Chemistry in his senior year. He’s an average math student . Since we live in California, the rigor for sophomore and junior year counts a lot.
What recommendations do you have?

AP Physics, AP Bio and AP Chem are individually difficult for most students. I would chose one each year ( meaning one junior year and one senior year and one leave for college if needed) - pick the one he is most interested in junior year to get the best chance at a higher grade and AP score.

This will show rigor along with AP CS And APES - as his two electives.

I agree with @Glow271, that he probably should not double up on the AP Biology/AP Chemistry and AP Physics either Junior or Senior year.

One less AP class for rigor vs. a bad grade in one or more classes due to the heavy workload will work against him. Have him pick 2 out of the 3 AP sciences for Junior/Senior year and if he still needs the 3rd core science, is there an Honors version instead or just a regular level to take for exposure to the material?

The student with the most AP’s does not always get into their preferred schools so have him take the courses that most interest him which would result in him being more successful in those classes.

Assuming if he is taking Alg2 Junior year, then Precalc is Senior year? Taking some kind of calculus Math Senior year pairs well with a Physics course taken concurrently.

Also for California Universities, especially the UC’s and CSU’s, Senior year courses will be included when reviewing for rigor since in-progress and planned Senior courses are listed on the application so not just Soph/Junior years. AP classes taken Soph/Junior year help in the UC GPA calculation but so do UC approved Honors level courses. It is about the whole package including what is offered and typical at his HS.

My CS graduate chose AP Biology and AP Physics in HS while taking Honors Chemistry in the summer school since there was a schedule conflict.

Best of luck to him.

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In terms of difficulty is this correct? (AP Physics 1 the easiest)

AP Chem >> AP Bio >> AP Physics 1

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My daughter took AP Bio last year as a sophmore. It’s a lot of work but according to her, not crazy difficult.

She got an A in the class and a 5 on the AP test. Most of her sophmore friends also got a 5 on the AP test.

Do students at his school normally take APPhys1 concurrently with the accelerated Alg2/precal class he has? APphys1 is algebra-based so taking concurrently could work for a strong math student or if the school normally allows this, otherwise it seems it could be too much since you described him as an average math student. Schools here restrict it to soph/junior in concurrent honors precal and beyond.