AP Physics C: Mech and E+M

<p>What textbook should i get if I wanted to self study Mech along with E+M</p>

<p>I heard Giancoli Physics for Scientists and Engineers with Modern Physics was good, but any advice? Here is a list of books I found on cc. Please add to the list and comment which one I should get. Thanks!</p>

<p>Physics for Scientists and Engineers by Knight
Physics for Scientists and Engineers by Serway & Jewett
Physics by Resnick, Halliday and Krane
Physics for Scientists and Engineers by Giancoli
University Physics by Young and Freedman</p>

<p>Also, why do these publishers have volume one, two and a combined one. Is the combined one the same as volumes 1 and 2 together. And why do many college courses require one volume instead of asking you to get the whole one? Are the problems/ outline the same?</p>

<p>Thanks again</p>

<p>I know that the Halliday and Resnick one is good; not familiar with the others. I would assume that the combined edition is the same as both individual volumes put together.</p>

<p>Theres Fundamentals of Physics by Halliday, Resnick, and Walker too but I’m not sure about it.</p>

<p>We use the Serway and Jewett 5th edition one. It’s pretty good, but my class is an actual college class, not an AP. However, we learn pretty much the same stuff, so I’m going to take the AP Physics C exam.</p>

<p>I use “University Physics by Young and Freedman”; it seems adequate. There are good challenge problems at the end of each chapter.</p>

<p>most of these are pretty cheap on amazon, so i should just get most of them, but any other suggestions?</p>

<p>I use Fundamentals of Physics, 7th ed, Resnick - Halliday - Walker.
It is absolutely excellent, has everything for Physics C and college physics. </p>

<p>Get that, in the 8th ed if you care to, they are both the same but the 8th has more problems I believe. </p>

<p>Not to say that Phys for Engineers and Scientists is good as well - I have seen that around alot. But never have taken a peak. Go online and look inside these two books, and choose which presents the material better to you.</p>

<p>ha ha i was looking into Fundamentals of Physics, 5th ed, Resnick - Halliday - Walker. seems much cheaper. but i dont think theres a huge difference between editions</p>

<p>just more problems</p>