AP Physics C or IB Physics SL

Hey guys!
I was wondering if IB Physics SL covers what AP Physics C does? Does IB SL cover Calculus based physics? I know that IB Physics is more broad, but does it still have the calc stuff in it? Or is it like AP Physics 1 and just Algebra based? If it is just algebra based, than I’ll take AP Physics C, because I want to be a cardiothoracic surgeon and know I will have to face a class like that in the future. Thank you!

Also, my school doesn’t have IB Physics HL so I can’t go into that

also, I know that AP Physics C is harder, but if IB Physics SL also covers a majority of the things in AP Physics C, especially the Calculus part, than I want to take IB Physics SL because I’m taking to science course next year. If not, then you guys know what class I’m signing up for next year…

Eh no, IB physics SL and AP physics C aren’t similar. I mean they’re both about physics, but physics C is calculus based whereas IB physics SL is algebra based and is hence more similar to AP physics 1/2. I would go with AP physics C if you really want to take a calculus physics class but if you want to do pre med in college, it’s not really necessary. Usually pre med kids take an algebra based physics and people who want to do engineering do calculus based physics. But that’s just my two cents :wink:

Thank you all who responded!