<p>The textbook we use in class is Fundamentals of Physics Sixth Ed. by Halliday Resnick and Walker. This book doesn't really have many good explanations of things....so I'm looking for I guess an AP exam prep book that can almost double up as a textbook? Is AP Advantage: Physics C by James Mooney any good? What physics textbooks are you using in class/AP prep books?</p>
<p>halliday/resnick/walker is the bomb.</p>
<p>Haha but it doesn't really have many explanations at all...the practice problems at the end of the chapter are like two levels up from the questions in the chapter.</p>
<p>Not many textbooks I have seen have explanations to the end of chapter problems in the book itself - they normally come in a separate solutions manual.</p>
<p>PRs AP Physics book is good - it's a little light on some things but I think it's very easy to understand. Another textbook you might want to try is University Physics (by Reese) - again this book does not have explanations in the book, you'll need the solutions manual (search amazon.com) for that.</p>
<p>Well I just want good explanations in the chapter itself as well..</p>
<p>Is AP advantage good?</p>
<p>We use that book (walker 6th ed) in our physics c class, too. It's actually a good book, but what you need to help you through the problems is the solutions manual.</p>
<p>I got lucky and found a place to download pdfs of the seventh edition solutions manual (they reuse most of the problems), and the manual takes you through each problem. It really helps me out.</p>
<p>Do you have the website for that?</p>
<p>We use the book, and I dislike it. Maybe it's just that the physics class situation I'm in is not good. Some people in the class have picked up PRs and like them, so I guess it's worth a shot.</p>